Effectiveness of Calcium Carbonate from Non-Cultivated Pearl Oyster Shells (Pinctada Maxima) in Socket Preservation

  • Ainun Isnaeni Ilham Hasanuddin University
  • Arni Irawaty Djais
  • Surijana Mappangara
  • Asdar Gani
  • Sri Oktawati
  • Dian Setiawati
Keywords: pearl oyster shells (Pinctada maxima), xenograft, socket preservation.


Objective: to determine whether Calcium Carbonate from non-cultivated pearl oyster shell (Pinctada Maxima) as a Bone Graft material can reduce RANKL expression in the bone regeneration process. Method: Using experimental laboratory research tests and clinical trials with a post-test only control group design. Mandibular right anterior tooth extraction was performed on 27 Cavia Cobaya then divided into three groups, namely the treatment group given calcium carbonate powder of non-cultivaeted Pinctada maxima (PMNC-P), positive control given BATAN xenograft (PC), and negative control not given bone graft (NC). The experimental animals were disacrifice on days 7, 14, and 21 then immunohistochemical examination was performed with the examination indicator being RANKL. The results of the statistical test used the ANOVA test and the Tukey Posthoc test. Results: RANKL expression decreased significantly in the group PMNC-P and group PC on days 7, 14, and 21 and conversely slightly increased in the negative control group. However, there was no significant difference between the group PMNC-P and group PC. Conclusion: Calcium carbonate from non-cultivated pearl oyster shells (Pinctada maxima) can reduce RANKL expression in bone regeneration.

Keywords: pearl oyster shells (Pinctada maxima), xenograft, socket preservation.

How to Cite
Ilham A, Djais A, Mappangara S, Gani A, Oktawati S, Setiawati D. Effectiveness of Calcium Carbonate from Non-Cultivated Pearl Oyster Shells (Pinctada Maxima) in Socket Preservation. amm [Internet]. 14Jan.2025 [cited 9Mar.2025];68(aop). Available from: https://ojs.actamedicamarisiensis.ro/index.php/amm/article/view/608
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