Considerations regarding the attitude of medical staff towards administrative risks in pathological anatomy services

  • Aurora Maria Popa Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj - Napoca, Memorandum Street, no. 28, Cluj County, Romania
  • Bianca Andreea Lazar Pathology Department, Mures Clinical County Hospital, 540011 Targu Mures, Romania
  • Liviu Onoriu Marian Universty Professor,Engineering and Management, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj - Napoca, Memorandum Street, no. 28, Cluj County, Romania,
  • Ovidiu Simion Cotoi Department of Pathophysiology, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania Pathology Department, Mures Clinical County Hospital, 540011 Targu Mures, Romania
  • Septimiu Voidăzan University Professor, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology,
Keywords: HealthCare risk, risk management in hospitals, risk management in histopathology services.



The present work is carried out following an exploratory study aimed at the attitude of medical personnel from pathology services towards managerial/administrative risks and is based on the support of a survey that reveals a series of useful information regarding the training, level of perception and involvement of medical personnel in events that may generate negative consequences for the activities of the Romanian services of this profile. The investigation is unique nationally and worldwide, the resulting conclusions are representative for the geographical area and categories of respondents investigated and significant for further research.


The purpose, objectives and possible measures proposed by this paper subscribe to the urgent need to know in depth the factors that generate managerial risks in pathological anatomy services to creating and developing proactive policies that eliminate, prevent or reduce the negative consequences of risks.


The results obtained from the interpretation of the database, show us that certain perceptions that the actors involved in the activities have about administrative risks are certified, but many conclusions can be drawn that highlight that the problems of managerial risk are not fully known or identified and in many cases the reactivity of the system to unforeseen events is relatively low or delayed.

How to Cite
Popa A, Lazar B, Marian L, Cotoi O, Voidăzan S. Considerations regarding the attitude of medical staff towards administrative risks in pathological anatomy services. amm [Internet]. 17Jul.2024 [cited 18Oct.2024];70(3). Available from:
Original article