Epidemiological and histological characteristics of the cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma – A single centre-study

  • Iuliu Gabriel Cocuz
  • Maria Catalina Popelea Mures Clinical County Hospital
  • Andrei Manea
  • Raluca Niculescu
  • Adrian Horatiu Sabau
  • Ovidiu Simion Cotoi
Keywords: Cutaneous Squamous cell carcinoma, histopathology, non-melanocytic skin cancers, skin



Objective: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) is a skin malignancy that is part of the Non-Melanocytic Skin Cancers (NMSCs). The objective of our study was to emphasize the epidemiological and histological characteristics of the cSCC diagnosed in a clinical county hospital.


A retrospective and transversal study was performed, based on the histopathological diagnostic of cSCC from the Pathology Clinical Department of the Mures Clinical County Hospital, Târgu Mureș Romania. We have included 96 cases from 2017-2020.


Out of 96 cases include in the study, 82 were cSCC, 5 cases were Bowen Disease and 9 cases were keratoacanthoma, with a total number of 96 cases included into the study. 37.50% (n=36) and 31.25% (n=30) of cases were diagnosed in 2019 and 2018. 64.58% (n=72) of cases were over 70 years-old. 52.08 (n=50) where male patients and 51.04% (n=49) were from the urban environment. 44.79% (n=43) had their lecission surgically removed in the General Surgery department. 56.10% (n=46), 30.49% (n=25) and 13.41% (n=11) cases were well, moderate and poorly differentiated. Out of the 96 cases, 96.88% (n=93) cases were removed within the safety excision margins.


Most of the patients diagnosed with cSCC were in 2018 and 2019 and were over 70 years old. The majority of the patients were males form the urban environment. Even though most of the cases were well differentiated and completely surgical excised, the differential diagnoses between cSCC and other skin malignancies with the help of the immunohistochemical profile is always important.

Keywords: Cutaneous Squamous cell carcinoma, histopathology, non-melanocytic skin cancers, skin

How to Cite
Cocuz I, Popelea M, Manea A, Niculescu R, Sabau A, Cotoi O. Epidemiological and histological characteristics of the cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma – A single centre-study. amm [Internet]. 19Oct.2023 [cited 9Mar.2025];69(4). Available from: https://ojs.actamedicamarisiensis.ro/index.php/amm/article/view/368
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