Management of Denture Stomatitis

An Overview

  • Nader Navabi
  • Parham Shakibaei
  • Alireza - Ranjbar Hassani Student Research Committee, Dental School, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Denture Stomatitis, clinical trial, management


Denture stomatitis is a common inflammation of the palatal mucosa beneath removable dentures. The objective of this article was to examine the systematic reviews and clinical trials pertaining to the treatment of denture stomatitis. For this research, electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and ISI Web of Science) were searched from January 2000 to June 2021 using specified MESH keywords. Irrelevant articles were eliminated in three steps based on their titles, abstracts, and body texts. In the final analysis, 47 papers were selected, which included 12 systematic reviews and 35 clinical trials. Herbal compounds and denture disinfection were the interventions most commonly indicated.

We concluded that, possibly due to the complex nature of this lesion's etiology, there is no present definitive therapy guideline for this prevalent lesion

How to Cite
Navabi N, Shakibaei P, Ranjbar Hassani A. Management of Denture Stomatitis. amm [Internet]. 7Feb.2023 [cited 21Jan.2025];69(1). Available from: