Prenatal diagnosis of Binder phenotype (naso-maxillar hypoplasia)

  • Lucian G Pop Institut of Mother and Child care Alfred Rusescu
  • Suciu Ioan Dumitru Floreasca Emergency Hospital, General Surgery Department, Bucharest, Romania
  • Nicolae Bacalbasa University of Medicine and Pharmacy -Carol Davila-, Bucharest, Romania
  • Oana Toader
Keywords: Binder syndrome, facial anomalies, hypermetropia, anomaly scan


Facial dysmorphism is a common diagnosis which represents a broad spectrum of aetiologies with different outcomes spreading from normal result to foetal demise or new-borns with multiple malformations. Prenatal diagnosis can be difficult, making counselling a challenging task even in experienced hands. This paper aims to present an unusual case of facial dysmorphism (Binder phenotype) which resulted in a healthy pregnancy. However, throughout the pregnancy, future parents experienced excruciating anxiety, which required multiple prenatal counselling appointments. We believe that in case of a Binder phenotype, genetic testing, multiple scanning appointments, and extensive discussion with future parents are vital in the prevention of an unneeded ending of a pregnancy.

How to Cite
Pop L, Dumitru S, Bacalbasa N, Toader O. Prenatal diagnosis of Binder phenotype (naso-maxillar hypoplasia). amm [Internet]. 6Nov.2020 [cited 21Jan.2025];66(4):160-4. Available from:
Case report