Post Maxillectomy Definitive rehabilitation in Post-Covid Mucormycosis Patients using Conventional and 3D Printed Obturator – a Twin Case Report
Rehabilitation in Post-Covid Mucormycosis Patients
Maxillectomy is the surgical removal or resection of the maxilla or upper jaw bone. Maxillectomy may be total or partial. It is performed during surgical treatment of cancer and infections (bacterial. fungal) of the oral cavity, nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses. Patient affected from post-Covid mucormycosis require local debridement or surgical resection resulting in maxillectomy. After surgery, patient has difficulty in mastication, speech, and swallowing because of communication between oral and nasal cavity. This may also give rise to psychological challenges and social exclusion. The prosthodontic rehabilitation of such patient using obturator provide a separation between oral and nasal cavity and improve the quality of life of the patient. There are various techniques and materials used for fabrication of definitive obturator. This article discusses the prosthodontic rehabilitation after maxillectomy in post-covid mucormycosis patients using obturator by conventional and 3D printed techniques.
Copyright (c) 2022 Manu Rathee, Professor, S Divakar, Prachi Jain, Dr., Sandeep Singh, Sujata Chahal

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.